If your Havanese seems to be sleeping a lot, you might be concerned, and wondering whether it is normal for this breed to sleep longer than other kinds of dogs.
Havanese dogs usually sleep between 12 and 14 hours a day, often for a long stretch overnight, and then with naps during the daytime. Puppies often sleep less during the night, but will nap throughout the day. Most Havanese, regardless of their age, will nap during the afternoon, and will doze for around four hours during the day.
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Why Do Havanese Dogs Sleep As Much As They Do?
Many dogs sleep more than humans do, and Havanese dogs are no exception to this rule.
They will usually sleep throughout the night, but will often nap during the day as well, especially if there is nothing else for them to do.
Remember, dogs don’t have things to keep them entertained a lot of the time, and they have evolved to conserve more energy so that they need to hunt less – and energy conservation involves sleeping a lot (we humans conserve energy this way too right?)
Your Havanese will sleep for about twelve hours or more because it doesn’t have other things to do, and that isn’t a bad thing that suggests the dog is bored; it’s just how they have adapted to their environment.
Havanese dogs aren’t considered exceptional in how much sleep they need; they are a medium active breed and aren’t thought of as lazy. They sleep that way because, like many other dogs and indeed other carnivores, it’s part of their nature.
How Much Sleep Do Havanese Need At Different Stages Of Their Lives?
As mentioned, Havanese are about average in terms of their sleep, but you may notice that your dog’s sleeping habits change as the dog ages. A young puppy will often struggle to sleep throughout the night, and may wake you every couple of hours as it deals with its own restlessness.
It often compensates for this during the day by napping for longer than adult dogs, or taking more frequent naps.
You might find it curled up asleep after almost every play session, and this is nothing at all to worry about, especially if you have been playing vigorously with the puppy.
An older Havanese may sleep more than one in its prime. These dogs do not need a massive amount of exercise, but they are usually ready to play – partly because they spend any “boring time” asleep, or at least relaxing.
If your Havanese is getting less than twelve hours of sleep consistently, you should be concerned. Havanese dogs need this amount of sleep on a regular basis to stay healthy, and if your dog isn’t sleeping well, something may be wrong.
If your dog is sleeping for more than fourteen hours every day, you might want to raise the issue with your vet. Some dogs are naturally more lazy and nap-prone than others, but it’s worth checking just to be safe.
3 Key Steps To Help A Havanese Puppy Sleep Through The Night

Havanese puppies tend to be restless at night, partly because they will be missing their litter-mates and afraid of the new environment, and partly because they are babies and haven’t established a good sleeping routine yet.
You need to work on this with your Havanese to instill good habits early:
- Set a bedtime, and ensure that you stick to it as closely as possible. At this point, all play needs to stop, although you should still give your puppy attention and talk to it.
- If your puppy is new to the household, it needs lots of reassurance and companionship. It is recommended that you get a small crate and line it with something to make it comfortable.
- Small, enclosed spaces will help the puppy to feel secure and prevent it from hurting itself. Here are some steps for crate-training your Havanese puppy:
- Place this crate on a chair beside your bed, and put the puppy inside. Your puppy should be able to see you lying in bed; this will help to reassure it that it’s not alone. You will probably find that the puppy whines or cries, seeking attention.
- You can talk to the puppy and wiggle your fingers through the crate, or pet its nose if you can reach, but you shouldn’t take the puppy out unless its bedding needs changing or you think it needs the toilet. If you teach your puppy that whining equals playtime or cuddle time, it will do it incessantly.
- You will probably find your puppy wakes up every couple of hours at first, so expect some broken nights. After a while, however, it will begin to settle down and sleep more consistently, especially as it grows.
- After a few weeks, you can put the crate on the floor by the bed, as the puppy should feel secure enough to accept this. If you are going to allow the puppy to sleep in your bed, don’t do this at least until it is well toilet-trained and secure enough to spend nights alone if necessary.
By about sixteen weeks old, your Havanese puppy should be sleeping through the night most of the time.
How To Help A Senior Havanese Sleep More Comfortably
Senior dogs often sleep more, and they need comfortable spots that support their joints and make napping easy.
Make sure that your senior Havanese has a padded bed like this one that is easy for them to get into, and that it is in a warm but well-ventilated spot.
Elderly dogs often feel the cold more than young dogs, so make sure the bed is warm enough, but don’t risk your dog overheating. Ensure that it is at floor level so your dog can get into it even if they struggle to jump. This will reduce the risk of injury, especially when your dog is tired.
Havanese dogs do sleep more than people, so don’t be surprised if you find your dog napping even after a good night’s rest. About fourteen hours should be the most your dog is sleeping unless it’s unwell, so consult a vet if you’re concerned about how tired your dog seems.
Otherwise, accept that your Havanese needs a bit more shut-eye than you do, and enjoy the fun and games while they are awake!